Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Is In the Air...

Actually here in Florida it is still HOT!!! No signs of fall anywhere...However everyone is ready for some cooler weather and looking forward to the holidays!

This is my first fall session of the year...and who better to have them of other than the little one that started my photography advernture...Little Miss Lola 9 months old and taking steps already! Time flies when you are having fun!!! I have lots more scheduled over the next few weeks plus a visit to the pumpkin patch so check back to see more of my latest photos!

My calandar is filling up with fall/holiday portrait sessions...if you are interested in a portrait session before Christmas hurry and contact me to set up an appointment!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Slideshows make wonderful gifts, fun to watch and are great space savers! No need to have prints of all those photos, have them turned into a slideshow set to your favorite music!

With the upcoming holidays, slideshows are a great gift idea! They can be made from photos that I take for you or from a compilation of photos from years past. You pick the photos and the music...leave the rest to me!

Contact me today for more information!!!

Here is a sample...