Little Miss Cali is turning 1! We had a great shoot out in the flocks, then came back to my house for the fun! She is growing so fast and has the sweetest little smile...The birthday cake was great and I cant wait to find another 1 year old to let them play in a cake too! Happy Birthday Cali!
Christy, I wanted to let you know that your pictures are awesome! I just love the one with the bubbles! How precious it is! You truly are creative with your photos. I am so glad that it seems to be going great and all. You truly have been blessed my dear. Take care.
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All About Me!
Welcome and glad you stopped by! I have decided to take my hobby of photography to a new level and started a side business taking pictures for more than just fun. Im looking to expand to all sorts of photography in the coming years and maybe one day own a small studio.
I believe that all things good in your life are Blessings from God, thus the reason I came up with the name Blessings Captured. Whether it be your Wedding, Engagement, Newborn, Baby, Maternity, Senior/Cap & Gown, Family, Children, Special Events or Holidays. They are all reasons to celebrate and capture those memories!
I will do almost any type of photography just ask! Im very open to suggestions and new locations to shoot. Your complete happiness is my goal.
Im located in Central Florida, The Villages Area. Im set up to have inside shoots in my home or will travel to a location of your choice up to a 30 mile radius with no extra charge.
Want to know more? Click the link above to email me!
I look forward to Capturing all the Blessings in your Life!
1 comment:
Christy, I wanted to let you know that your pictures are awesome! I just love the one with the bubbles! How precious it is! You truly are creative with your photos. I am so glad that it seems to be going great and all. You truly have been blessed my dear. Take care.
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